
Seemedia is a blog written exclusively by Vremmy Kahn.

Seemedia examines the way we interact with media on a daily basis. Whether you are aware of it or not, media is a huge part of our lives, from the TV we watch, billboards we see, magazines we read, and ever increasingly social media from facebook to twitter.

The 21st century holds endless possibilities in the area of communication and media. It is more important than ever to become media literate and become aware of how this huge amount of media consumption impacts and influences our lives.

–Vremmy Kahn is a Communications and Marketing specialist, a graduate of the Communication Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His main interests are new media, diffusion of innovations, social media marketing, and media law. He is also studying the intersection of media effects and media policy, whereby media policy can be influenced by new social science research. He conducted research at UCSB which will better guide the policy debate on intellectual property, copyright, and fair use. (See link to research PowerPoint presentation by clicking here.)


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